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GFP-SWI3 and SWI5-Myc/YFP-ZDN3 cells were grown in YPDA medium. Then, cells were collected and divided into three samples. One was used for a western blot assay. Another was used to prepare chromatin extracts for further Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and the third was used for RNA preparation. To prepare the chromatin extracts, cells were sonicated in 10 mL of lysis buffer (1% Triton X-100, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 50 mM Tris-Cl pH 8.0, 1X protease inhibitors (NEB)) for 8 min at 50% duty cycle. After that, the supernatant was collected and filtered through a 30 kDa-filter (Millipore). The total proteins were assayed by a protein assay kit (Bio-Rad). Samples were used for ChIP and the remaining was used for RNA extraction.
To perform ChIP, we used the following antibodies: anti-Myc (Santa Cruz), anti-GFP (Roche), anti-rabbit IgG (Mill
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…. There were changes of their character. And after Luther became a reformer we learn him to be a polygamist; and then again to take to himself a wife, after the Bible had forbidden marriage…–Life of Luther, by John Froude
I have often asked myself why a man’s hatred of God–and for this his own injury, and not for any real injury to a neighbor–should provoke him to a hatred of everything sacred and holy, and of the world, and of human beings, and of conscience, and of God himself,…–Lectures on Philosophy, by Robert Hall
Page 138
The bible did not tolerate polygamy, so that a man might very well have this promptings in him, and a despising of marriage; and therefore I call them here a higher kind of men. But you make a corrupt use of them, in thinking of them as a godly, an honorable, and a righteous kind of men, which is always wrong. And if the use that we make of such corrupt ways of life consist in this, that we would have them to be an honorable, godly, and righteous kind of men, and to live in our…–The Letters of John Knox (Edinburgh, 1903)
Page 159
If it be objected that this book first appeared in the King James, not the English, Bible, I reply that it might have been unknown, or even that it might have been tolerable, with the aid of manuscripts written in Greek, or Latin, before the time of Luther; it did not become a Bible until the King James Version was made. And in that book, as in its Spanish, German, English, Italian, and Latin version, there is…–The Letters of John Knox
Page 159
If it be objected that this book first appeared in the King James, not the English, Bible, I reply that it might have been unknown, or even that it might have been tolerable, with the aid of manuscripts written in Greek, or Latin, before the time of Luther; it did not become a Bible until the King James Version was made. And in that book, as in its Spanish,