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When I first saw her, I thought she was just a miracle, but I was wrong.
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.San Cristobal, Nuevo Leon
San Cristobal de los Ángeles is a municipality and town of southeastern Nuevo León, Mexico. It lies along Mexico State Highway 125, a main road (Nuevo León-Monterrey) of the US Interstate 35 Corridor in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, about southeast of Monterrey, the capital city of Nuevo León and the state capital of Nuevo León. In 2005, it had an estimated population of 31,366. This town is not to be confused with San Cristóbal de las Casas, Tamaulipas, or the town of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas.
San Cristobal de las Ángelees is the home of San Pedro Crossing, a major port of entry to the United States and is shared with nearby Ciudad Acuña, in Texas. The town itself is occupied by the Zapotecs and many other Indian tribes who are mostly farmers or make their living with agriculture.
The town of San Cristobal de los Angeles consists of large campesino communities, plantations, plazas, ejido and rural dwellings. Almost all of its citizens and the population of the entire area depend economically on the agriculture sector, to which is added a significant industrial zone, serving the four southern states of Mexico.
The area produces products such as sugar cane, corn, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, sorghum, sugar cane, sugar beet, carrots, melons, mangos and guava. The area exports a considerable quantity of foodstuffs and some kind of industrial products to the United States and other Mexican states.
Origin of name
The name of this town is from the name of a Spanish figure, Cristobal de Asis, who, according to popular tradition, stayed here in 1519 and founded the town and nearby territories in what is now Mexico.
The first story about San Cristobal de los Ángeles dates from the first half of the 19th century, when there was a contact between Spain and Cuba. In 1810, a priest of the Kingdom of Spain, Fr. Francisco Sabio, came to this town. His purpose was to found a convent. When he arrived to this town, the inhabitants welcomed him and the two