Tommy Igoe Groove Essentials 2 The Play Along CD.torrent 4 ((HOT))
Tommy Igoe Groove Essentials 2 The Play Along CD.torrent 4 ((HOT))
Tommy Igoe Groove Essentials 2 The Play Along CD.torrent 4
The DVD portion of the CD contains a wealth of content and insight, from Tommy explaining the groove families, to 15 tracks that range from the funky grooves to the ultra cool world grooves. At the core of the CD is the Groove Essentials Play-Along section, where you will learn three different groove types, from Easy Grooves, to Medium Hard Grooves, and then finally, to Extreme Hard. Included in each type are grooves that are rhythmically, melodically, and thematically unique. They are broken down into Learn and Repeat sections, just as they appear in the wild!
It’s like having over 80 grooves on disk all in one convenient package, making it the most complete Groove Essentials. You will be able to learn on the go, from your home, from your practice room, from your hotel, from your rehearsal space, or from your recording studio.
Igoe demonstrates and discusses the essentials of rock grooves and how to expand your sound and versatility. These grooves include: Speed 2, Diesel Rhythm 3, Hendrix 4, 7/8 Rock 14, 9/8 Rock 7, House Demonstration, O.T.T.P., Roni on a Rope, Steppin’ Out, Nova Rock, Melodic Rock 23, 25, Jam for Passion, Vibe, 90, Rock-Thru, Drum Triad, Rock Rolls, Ropes, Black/Blue Groove, and more.
The examples will challenge even the most seasoned drummers to go above and beyond the call of duty.
Igoe includes the grooves for the “Steady Cool” funk section of the book and CD. This is a must-have groove set for any funk drummers out there, because this groove presents the best traits of a funk groove and how to expand it.
Igoe discusses different methods of soloing with this groove and shows how it can be played within the context of a group. This groove will help the jazz or hip-hop drummer become a unique and celebrated player.
Best Furniture For Living Rooms Free Furniture Ideas. Tommy Igoe. I do like this song because I am a guitarist, I like the sound that the guitar puts into the song. Tommy Igoe is a Canadian singer/songwriter who is known for his duets with jazz greats such as John Coltrane, Oscar Peterson and Tommy Dorsey. He has released six CDs on the BGM label. In addition to his own work, Tommy Igoe has also performed with the Art Ensemble of Chicago, the Teddy Charles Jazz Unit, Ron Miles, Hymnary All-Stars,.
Tommy Igoe – Groove Essentials (Ударные). As a solo artist, his debut CD New Ground was awarded numerous 5 star. Tommy composed the drumset book for record breaking musical “The Lion King on Broadway”, where he .
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Tommy Igoe – Groove Essentials (Ударные). As a solo artist, his debut CD New Ground was awarded numerous 5 star. Tommy composed the drumset book for record breaking musical “The Lion King on Broadway”, where he .
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Tommy Igoe – Groove Essentials (Ударные). As a solo artist, his debut CD New Ground was awarded numerous 5 star. Tommy composed the drumset book for record breaking musical “The Lion King on Broadway”, where he .
Tommy Igoe Groove Essentials 2 The Play Along CD.torrent 4 //>