Smith And Wesson 686-3 Serial Numbers __EXCLUSIVE__

Smith And Wesson 686-3 Serial Numbers __EXCLUSIVE__

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Smith And Wesson 686-3 Serial Numbers

Cyclopdia of the serial numbers of guns and pistols, both new and old.
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Can anyone help me with a serial number for this stamping equipment, please?
The butterfly stamping machine as i understand it is just a stamping die as being used in the gold mining industry


Some of your questions appear to be about a model of stamping machine as opposed to type of stamping machine.
For stamping machines in general, as opposed to a specific stamping machine:

manufacturers’ serial numbers would be on the base and are generally given as xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
manufacturer’s “serial number” to the U.S. Customs is normally one or more of the following:

first model
last serial number
model number

Having said that, using the “first model” would not be the sole method of identifying a particular model of a stamping machine, because it may be superseded by the model bearing the next serial number.
As you asked for serial numbers from Japan, the protocol would be to ask the Japanese manufacturer for their serial numbers. Which is obviously easier said than done.
If you find that the manufacturer can provide serial numbers, then it’s a simple matter of asking them to provide a specific serial number (e.g., model number, last serial number, etc.), and let us know what they say.
If you are not satisfied with the answer, you might then want to do a general search. My library at work provides a database of serial numbers. There is a “serial search” feature which you can search by date, name, model, etc., to locate a specific serial number.
Your Wikipedia entry tells us that stamping machines appear to be high profile, and there are archives of serial numbers of some items of military equipment. It’s not clear if that really addresses your question, but perhaps it does.

It is the summer of my fortieth birthday.

I think about how I will look at that milestone. I wonder what day it is, how old I will be, whether there will be a party or not?

In the weeks leading up to the big day, I have begun contemplating what my friends think of me and whether I should ask them to the party. Am I inviting the right people? Should I pick up the phone and call my good friends even though they don’t know me well?

Up for sale is my 686-3 which is the last serial number I have. I don’t know anything about how it is but it is in no way abused or taken apart in any way. It is a nice, clean, and fantastic condition.
Spares : I have some original parts for model. Workmanship : In good repair and almost new. Tooling : Perfect for the specific task. .
Currently it is in need of some minor repairs like cleaning, oiling, and an update on the electronics. It will need a new sensor wheel, a new tachometer, and a few electrical repairs. You can see the full set of spares in the photos below. It comes with original box and manual. This machine is very rare to find still in its original box.
View more offers Like the machine? Click here to see more offers.
I accept trade offers. Same price for 1. You pay shipping from the US. If you are not in the US or is an international customer, I will be happy to work with you. .
You can write me with any questions. I also have some US or other western reserves pre-serial production machines but some are in poor condition and some have been stolen. I will ship to anywhere in the world..
Have a good day.
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SERIAL NUMBERS serial number, 686-3 serial number
Up for sale is my 686-3 which is the last serial number I have. I don’t know anything about how it is but it is in no way abused or taken apart in any way. It is a nice, clean, and fantastic condition.
Spares : I have some original parts for model. Workmanship : In good repair and almost new. Tooling : Perfect for the specific task. .
Currently it is in need of some minor repairs like cleaning, oiling, and an update on the electronics. It will need a new sensor wheel, a new tachometer, and a few electrical repairs. You can see the full set of spares in the photos below. It comes with original box and manual. This machine is very rare to find still in its original box.
View more offers Like the machine? Click here to see more offers.
I accept trade offers. Same price for 1. You pay shipping from the US. If you are not in the US or is an international customer

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