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The Kepler Desktop and Kepler Desktop Extension. lets you. released the Kepler Desktop project into the open-source community. What’s that? What is Sirius. the Hubble Space Telescope and use it to make free-form sounds for its motion.Q:
How to assign alias in an apache2 server.conf file
I tried adding a line like this in my apache2 server.conf file.
Alias /fastcgi.php /usr/local/bin/php-fcgi-fastcgi
To some scripts I added alias like this.
Alias /pub/ /opt/workplace/webservers/apache2/apache2-pub/
Alias /doc/ /opt/workplace/webservers/apache2/apache2-doc/
Alias /#/ /opt/workplace/webservers/apache2/apache2-sitemap/
The reason I need to do this is so I can add an entry in /etc/hosts that points to the hostname of the server.
Does anyone know why the aliases don’t work in the server.conf file? Is there a better place