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Hi Martin, I use Windows 7. My Internet providers partner who provide me the Internet services, I don’t know their service information, but when I go to their website, they allow me to try downloading apps through them.
I’m able to download a lot of apps, but somehow, my Internet Service provider always requires my login information.
After I input my login information, I can successfully download the apps, and enjoy those apps, but that’s not what I want. I want to download just one app, and that single app is the best or most convenient available.
Is this possible? Can you help me, please? Thank you.


Go to and click on the “Try any apps” link.


How do I find out which module is pulling in specific submodule?

I’m starting to use a few PHP modules, and I’m getting the following error:

[Fri Jan 22 22:00:00 2014] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function dwPortMapper_getportmapperdw() in /var/www/drupal7/modules/dw/includes/ on line 68

dwPortMapper_getportmapperdw() is not a function of any other module that I know of, and the only module that that seems to have a file similar to (dw-pager.php) is ‘custom_modules’.
dwPortMapper_getportmapperdw() is a function of the portmapper module. It appears to be a kind of port forwarding module.
The issue might be a bug in this module. Does anyone know how I can get the module author to add more debug information?


If you are using Drush you can debug the deps of a module with drush dl:
drush dl dw

If you are not using Drush there is an alternative
Inspect the folder $ drush site-status –filesystem-url=/var/www/drupal7/modules/dw/includes

Will show you the files your module needs to be built.
If you are