Manuale Architetto Neufert Pdf [NEW]

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Manuale Architetto Neufert Pdf

Manuale Architetto Neufert Pdf

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It all started in July 1969. President Nixon, who was not at all happy with the way the Vietnam War was going, started dropping some bombs on Laos, possibly to get the other Southeast Asian countries to give us some help. The first of the bombs was a small one, but a classic one nonetheless: the Elephant Atomic Bomb, as people called it. The idea was to make Laos not want to join the Communists any longer, since there wouldn’t be any more bombs coming from the US. But there were bugs in the design, and instead of taking the whole country down, it landed just on one building, without having an impact. It was a pretty big first mistake.

The following month, August, the US sent 450,000 troops to Vietnam.

During that summer of 1969, the war in Vietnam was dragged out for a few more months. We would hear bits of news, some information about troop movements and a new commander-in-chief every couple of weeks. The American press was up in arms, the American people’s patience was running thin, and no one saw much of a future for any of that. August saw the first protest in DC, where the National War Mobilization headquarters was surrounded by protesters, and the famous melee that later became known as the “Battle of Michigan Avenue” took place on August 4. By the time the fall came around, the situation had gotten even worse.


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