Interspire Email Marketer Latest 614 [BETTER]
Interspire Email Marketer Latest 614 [BETTER]
Interspire Email Marketer Latest 614
What my autoresponders do is they take emails in your list, decide how important they are, and reply to them accordingly.
The emails they send are designed to get your customers on the phone or chat to you. If your not answering then they try a couple times each day.
Yes, I said it, I read a lot of other blogs, and even though I picked up a lot of information from them, a lot of the information I got from their blogs is copied straight from their email signatures. When I started doing this, they were my most downloaded email.
You get the EmailMarketer package at a 40% discount if you give your friends the invitation and ask them to send you back. You can include a link inside the email to the friend so they cant forget to help.
If you get an error such as Langvar ApplicationURL doesnt exist or any error regarding Langvar doesnt exist then most commonly this is because you are missing a language file. This commonly occurs when upgrading from one version of Interspire Email Marketer to another and not uploading all the required files. Try re-uploading all the files inside the admin/language folder.
There is one important thing to note before you do this: All unsubscribe and confirmation links as well as links to forms in previous emails you have sent out will no longer work. Also, if youve used link tracking, none of the links in the emails you have previously sent out will work any more either. This is because the links in the emails still point to the old URL and, if you change it, the links will be broken.
There was a problem running the following queries against your database: CREATE TABLE ss_autoresponders ( autoresponderid int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(255) default NULL, subject varchar(255) default NULL, format char(1) default NULL, textbody longtext, htmlbody longtext, createdate int(11) default 0, active int default 0 references ss_users(userid), hoursaftersubscription int(11) default 0, ownerid int(11) NOT NULL default 0 references ss_users(userid), searchcriteria mediumtext, listid int(11) default 0 references ss_lists(listid), tracklinks char(1) default 1, trackopens char(1) default 1, multipart char(1) default 1, queueid int(11) default 0 references ss_lists(listid), sendfromname varchar(255) default NULL, sendfromemail varchar(255) default NULL, replytoemail varchar(255) default NULL, bounceemail varchar(255) default NULL, charset varchar(255) default NULL, embedimages char(1) default '0', to_firstname int default 0 references ss_customfields(fieldid), to_lastname int default 0 references ss_customfields(fieldid), autorespondersize int default 0 ) character set utf8 engine=innodb
Two of the most prominent reasons are as follow:
What my autoresponders do is they take emails in your list, decide how important they are, and reply to them accordingly. The emails they send are designed to get your customers on the phone or chat to you. If your not answering then they try a couple times each day.
Yes, I said it, I read a lot of other blogs, and even though I picked up a lot of information from them, a lot of the information I got from their blogs is copied straight from their email signatures. When I started doing this, they were my most downloaded email.
You get the EmailMarketer package at a 40% discount if you give your friends the invitation and ask them to send you back. You can include a link inside the email to the friend so they cant forget to help.
If you get an error such as Langvar ApplicationURL doesnt exist or any error regarding Langvar doesnt exist then most commonly this is because you are missing a language file. This commonly occurs when upgrading from one version of Interspire Email Marketer to another and not uploading all the required files. Try re-uploading all the files inside the admin/language folder.
There is one important thing to note before you do this: All unsubscribe and confirmation links as well as links to forms in previous emails you have sent out will no longer work. Also, if youve used link tracking, none of the links in the emails you have previously sent out will work any more either. This is because the links in the emails still point to the old URL and, if you change it, the links will be broken.
There was a problem running the following queries against your database: CREATE TABLE ss_autoresponders ( autoresponderid int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(255) default NULL, subject varchar(255) default NULL, format char(1) default NULL, textbody longtext, htmlbody longtext, createdate int(11) default 0, active int default 0 references ss_users(userid), hoursaftersubscription int(11) default 0, ownerid int(11) NOT NULL default 0 references ss_users(userid), searchcriteria mediumtext, listid int(11) default 0 references ss_lists(listid), tracklinks char(1) default 1, trackopens char(1) default 1, multipart char(1) default 1, queueid int(11) default 0 references ss_lists(listid), sendfromname varchar(255) default NULL, sendfromemail varchar(255) default NULL, replytoemail varchar(255) default NULL, bounceemail varchar(255) default NULL, charset varchar(255) default NULL, embedimages char(1) default ‘0’, to_firstname int default 0 references ss_customfields(fieldid), to_lastname int default 0 references ss_customfields(fieldid), autorespondersize int default 0 ) character set utf8 engine=innodb Two of the most prominent reasons are as follow: