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To determine how laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) affects prostate cancer cells after androgen deprivation. Pelvic LITT was performed in nude mice bearing CWR22 xenograft tumors by inserting a 200-mu probe into a prostate tumor. Groups of mice were implanted with testosterone pellets and then were given a single injection of castration, injected with testosterone pellets or left untreated. The area of a prostate tumor treated with LITT was examined after 3 weeks of androgen deprivation. Three weeks after the injection, a local thermal reaction was observed in the prostate tumor treated with LITT. A laser beam seemed to penetrate the prostate tumor by heating a peripheral area of tumor tissue before focusing on the central area. In the prostate tumors treated with LITT, growth of both cancer cells and stromal cells was inhibited in the peripheral area. In the central area of the prostate, cancer cells were killed but stromal cells survived. Prostate cancer cells and stromal cells were killed in the peripheral area of the prostate
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