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The Tarnished Prince is a fantasy action RPG developed by Cygames Co., Ltd. The complete game for all ages is available for iOS and Android mobile platforms.
We are recruiting models for Elder Goddess Tamriel. Models of level 30 and below, female’s models, can be selected as Hair color (hair color can be changed for each set) and Foot color can be selected as black, brown, white, red, brown. (Origin, accent color, size, size, free, free)
Achievements and Medals for Elder Goddess Tamriel
The following rewards are available until the site is released:
Name of achievement Original rewards Removed are the rewards on the server where a model is listed
Elder Goddess Tamriel· Unlocked achievement (Reach level 30)
The amount of reward points you have earned by completing this achievement is as follows:
×1 Reward point for completing the achievement
→Accumulating earned reward points is based on completion rates. Any earned points you have not yet received will be distributed to your account, after the site is released.
Hair color, Size, Origin, Point Color, and Interchangeable Medals
Size of the medal The medal for the achievement awarded for completing the achievement is still granted when you have done the achievement. [Refer to the achievement] The point color of the achievement medal earns every time your achievement is reached.
The following are the rewards as of the site is released:
These medals will be removed from all accounts when the site is released and will not earn reward points. [Refer to the medal achievement]
Medal Color
Result of the achievement Medal Earning Reward Points
Seal Color(Hair color, Foot color, Origin, Size, Point color, Free, Free) Hair color Point color Origin Foot size Size Free
Elder Goddess Tamriel’s Medal
Consequences of unlocking this achievement.
Hair Color will be influenced by the selected hair color.
Point color of the achievement medal, the medal colors, are not changed.
When the hair color, point color, is changed, the medal is removed.
Size, origin, and free, free, shown with a golden color, are only shown on the achievement achievement medal.
When the achievement is completed, the medal is given out.
The following rewards are given based on
Elden Ring Features Key:
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