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The book is filled with good stories, I did not expect the story about. The book is filled with good stories, I did not expect the story about Enny arrow in the parts that I’m used to. There is a. (2018-03-22) ‘Download Novel Karya Enny Arrow Pdf To Jpg’.Biomechanical Evaluation of the Distal Root Mechanically Treated With a Self-Treated Dental Radiofrequency Waveguide: A Partial-Contact Sheep Study.
To evaluate the biomechanical properties of the distal root after intentional distal root wall perforation with the ThermalTip Plus dental radiofrequency (RF) device under partial-contact conditions. Sixty-eight roots (six lambs) in six mandibular first molars were used. Each root had three treatment groups as follows: perforation with ThermalTip Plus RF (n = 18), no perforation (sham-perforation) (n = 19), and a mechanical treatment with a semi-circle diamond drill (n = 19). The treatment was performed with partial-contact conditions. Each treatment group was further divided into either instrumented or noninstrumented groups. The perforation was performed with a 0.4 mm apical perforation depth, with a size of 4 mm in the noninstrumented group. A 600-μm-thick vertical cone was used in the noninstrumented group. In the nonperforated root, bone cement was injected into the root canal and the coronal opening was sealed with glass ionomer cement. A 1-mm-thick layer of a silicone elastic matrix was placed in the apical third to make partial contact with the surrounding cancellous bone. Each tooth was loaded to failure with a compressive load applied in the mesiodistal direction. A compressive load of 64 N was applied to each root when the ramus was supported by a jig. As the force was increased, the load and displacement were continuously recorded and used for analysis. The load was significantly decreased in the noninstrumented group and the perforated group compared with the nonperforated control group. Similarly, the displacement was significantly increased in the noninstrumented group and the perforated group. The ThermalTip Plus RF is more effective in perforating the root wall, leaving less material in the root canal. However, when using the ThermalTip Plus RF, mechanical instrumentation is recommended to prepare the