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Presto crack is a very useful software to transfer files between two computers. It has many features such as copy a folder, Drag & Drop, Drag to email, paste, email recipient, password protected. The software has multi-panel view functionality that allows you to add, delete, and modify files in a folder. It does not require installation and it is free. The software can be used for transfer files between two computers, mobile phones and hard drives, between multiple PC’s, hard drives, and other devices. It has different features that make it easy to use and also supports images and videos.

How to pass multiple cells from one worksheet to another in Excel VBA

I am trying to loop through a list of cells in a column.
I need to apply some sort of adjustment to every cell.
Can someone give me an example on how to do this?


This is a sample code for a loop through all cells in a column, and then for each of the looped cells calculate the SUM function of the cell values of that particular cell:
Option Explicit

Sub LoopThroughColumn()
Dim sNames As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Long

sNames = Array(“A1”, “A2”)

For i = LBound(sNames) To UBound(sNames)
For j = 1 To 100
n = Application.WorksheetFunction.