Darbareye Elly 720p Or 1080p __FULL__
Darbareye Elly 720p Or 1080p __FULL__

Darbareye Elly 720p Or 1080p
elly comes from a modest home in california. her father, manouchehr, is a middle-class schoolteacher. her mother, shohreh, works as a secretary. both her parents are supportive of her marriage to ahmad, who works at a bank. sepideh, the eldest of the girls, is a businesswoman in her late thirties, married to amir, who is well off. they have a daughter, morvarid. sepideh is the daughter of a doctor who died when she was a child; her mother had been a secretary to the doctor. elly, the youngest of the girls, is from a small family in iran. she is engaged to be married to a rather simple young man called amir, a teacher of literature. he lives with his parents and brother. ellys family is of high standing, her father being a judge; but shes not very happy in her engagement. she is, for example, unhappy about the prospect of living in iran, where her mother can not come to visit her. ellys mother has been ill and is not expected to live much longer. elly has decided to go to california, where her fiance is to join her soon. the group of friends from the girls college days goes to a villa in the caspian for a few days of holiday. sepideh is on holiday from her house in tehran, where her mother has been seriously ill. sepideh is a divorced woman living with her third husband. elly is a catholic, like her fiance, who practices the rites in her own home. sepideh is a muslim. but they are all friends and decide to spend their holiday together. along with them they bring a third friend, amir, the fiance of elly. the girls plan to stay at the villa for a few days, then return to tehran. but elly has decided to return to california immediately, having had enough of her friends, who all seem to be finding their way towards the wrong conclusions. but, since the return to tehran might take weeks or even months, she decides to stay on in the villa with the others, even though she is not attached to the group. sepideh has arranged for elly to return to california sooner, and so ends up putting ellys plans into motion. what she does not realise is that ellys friend, amir, is no friend of hers at all, and in fact is doing his best to break up ellys marriage. he knows about ellys engagement to amir, which he thought was a secret. but he is not unhappy about this. it seems that he is secretly in love with elly and is doing his best to make her break her engagement to amir. he tries to make it clear that he has no intention of marrying elly. at the same time, he keeps on trying to make her see that he is not the man she thinks he is. he is, for example, about to teach elly how to drive, but hes actually planning to take her for a joyride. unfortunately, he doesnt get the chance. ellys husband, ahmad, arrives unexpectedly. ahmad knows that his wife is staying in the villa and wants to find out what is going on. but he is not so sure that it is his wife whom he should be looking for. whose is the right wife?
sepideh eventually comes clean, but not about ellys first disappearance. and it doesnt really matter what really happened, only the fact that she was forced to invent something to explain it away. what really matters is not what happened, but the way that it affected the group, with each member following his own compass.
the final scene is a carefully orchestrated sequence where once again we see the group of friends, but this time without elly. sepideh makes a heartfelt speech, at first blaming herself, then apologizing for her lies, then admitting that what she has done is wrong. the others, even the apparently self-righteous ahmad, seem to be reconciled by her admission that shes done wrong. farhadis film, in contrast, is an unrelieved moral fable. the camera lingers over sepidehs tearful apology, and while we are not supposed to feel sorry for her, its impossible to watch without a sense of loss. the final shot is of a blue sky, but elly is really still missing.
the problem is that the character of elly is deeply and sharply drawn, and the narrative consistently makes clear that shes a lost soul, at once transparent and opaque, who after the events of the film retreats into a shell of silent despair. lacking a physical presence, she becomes a second-hand symbol, a reflection of the troubles of the characters around her, but also a lens through which they see themselves. her effect on the others is simply to remind them of their own faults and failings.
farhadi has said that the film is a tribute to the audiences capacity for empathy, which he calls the art of perspective, and a separation is a study in perspective. his title phrase comes from the psychological axiom that two wrongs dont make a right, but in the film its two pairs of wrongs that make a right, with each pair personifying a perspective that can only be obtained by looking at the situation from two contradictory angles. the two ellys can provide a frame of reference for each other, but only through the eyes of the other characters.