Autodesk AutoCAD 2021 24.0 Civil 3D PC/Windows

Equipped with the right applications, a computer can be of great help in virtually any domain of activity. When it comes to designing and precision, no other tool is as accurate as a computer. Moreover, specialized applications such as AutoCAD give you the possibility to design nearly anything ranging from art, to complex mechanical parts or even buildings.
Suitable for business environments and experienced users
After a decent amount of time spent installing the application on your system, you are ready to fire it up. Thanks to the office suite like interface, all of its features are cleverly organized in categories. At a first look, it looks easy enough to use, but the abundance of features it comes equipped with leaves room for second thoughts.
Create 2D and 3D objects
You can make use of basic geometrical shapes to define your objects, as well as draw custom ones. Needless to say that you can take advantage of a multitude of tools that aim to enhance precision. A grid can be enabled so that you can easily snap elements, as well as adding anchor points to fully customize shapes.
With a little imagination and patience on your behalf, nearly anything can be achieved. Available tools allow you to create 3D objects from scratch and have them fully enhanced with high-quality textures. A powerful navigation pane is put at your disposal so that you can carefully position the camera to get a clearer view of the area of interest.
Various export possibilities
Similar to a modern web browser, each project is displayed in its own tab. This comes in handy, especially for comparison views. Moreover, layouts and layers also play important roles, as it makes objects handling a little easier.
Sine the application is not the easiest to carry around, requiring a slightly sophisticated machine to properly run, there are several export options put at your disposal so that the projects itself can be moved around.
Aside from the application specific format, you can save as an image file of multiple types, PDF, FBX and a few more. Additionally, it can be sent via email, directly printed out on a sheet of paper, or even sent to a 3D printing service, if available.
To end with
All in all, AutoCAD remains one of the top applications used by professionals to achieve great precision with projects of nearly any type. It encourages usage with incredible offers for student licenses so you get acquainted with its abundance of features early on. A lot can be said about what it can and can't do, but the true surprise lies in discovering it step-by-step.







AutoCAD 2021 24.0 Torrent (Activation Code) X64

The AutoCAD line of CAD programs has evolved over time to meet user requirements. The newest editions of AutoCAD are fully vectorized and fully 3D; they also run on touchscreen displays. AutoCAD is available for Windows and macOS, and for a variety of server platforms. In addition, there are stand-alone mobile and web apps.

Historically, AutoCAD was bundled with software products that included drafting, annotations, rendering, and layout components. The latest version of AutoCAD includes features and applications to complement a variety of 3D, 2D, and surveying applications. Although not included in the AutoCAD suite, the latest version of AutoCAD Architecture is a standalone solution that includes drafting and rendering tools for architectural and interior design.

Autodesk bought the CAD software company Refractionnel in 2008, renaming it to Autodesk Refractionnel. The Autodesk Refractionnel product line now includes several 3D CAD tools, including a BIM (Building Information Modeling) software application (AutoCAD Architecture), furniture CAD (AutoCAD Furniture), and visualization CAD (AutoCAD Visualization). Other Autodesk CAD applications, such as the company’s DWG Software, are a part of the Autodesk AutoCAD product line. The latest releases of AutoCAD are now subscription-based, but there is a freeware version available for download.

Table of Contents

Origin of AutoCAD

In the early 1980s, computers began to display line drawings with more accuracy. This led to two main styles of CAD: parametric and non-parametric (i.e., point-based). In the 1980s, it was common for engineers and architects to import mechanical drawings into a CAD program. Then, the CAD program would graphically draw the design of the mechanical part using parameters in order to analyze and manipulate the drawing. Parametric CAD was an extension of traditional, non-parametric CAD.

Parametric CAD was more suitable for fast, accurate, and efficient design. Parametric CAD was not as precise or flexible as the non-parametric version, so it wasn’t commonly used for complex designs. The parametric software was developed by early adopters, and these enthusiasts created parametric software as a hobby.

In the mid-1980s, Autodesk founder Carl Bass developed the first version of AutoCAD, which he called AutoDraw.

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Version history
AutoCAD LT – AutoCAD LT is AutoCAD’s smallest desktop version. The software works with any Windows system, including Windows Vista, and is suitable for home users and for small businesses.
AutoCAD LT 2008 – The next-generation version of AutoCAD LT (AutoCAD LT 2008) offers new features for working with 3D models and coordinates, and for working with external data.
AutoCAD 2010 – AutoCAD 2010 is a revision of AutoCAD LT 2009.
AutoCAD 2012 – AutoCAD 2012 is a revision of AutoCAD 2010.
AutoCAD 2013 – AutoCAD 2013 is a revision of AutoCAD 2012.
AutoCAD 2014 – AutoCAD 2014 is a revision of AutoCAD 2013.
AutoCAD 2015 – AutoCAD 2015 is a revision of AutoCAD 2014.
AutoCAD 2016 – AutoCAD 2016 is a revision of AutoCAD 2015.
AutoCAD 2017 – AutoCAD 2017 is a revision of AutoCAD 2016.
AutoCAD 2018 – AutoCAD 2018 is a revision of AutoCAD 2017.
AutoCAD 2019 – AutoCAD 2019 is a revision of AutoCAD 2018.
AutoCAD 2020 – AutoCAD 2020 is a revision of AutoCAD 2019.
AutoCAD LT for 2019 – AutoCAD LT for 2019 is a revision of AutoCAD LT for 2016.
AutoCAD LT 2020 – AutoCAD LT 2020 is a revision of AutoCAD LT 2019.

Parallel computing
AutoCAD uses the Microsoft Windows Message Loop or Windows message pump to handle graphics processing. AutoCAD can make use of the Advanced Micro Devices Accelerated Processing Units (AMD-APUs). The AMD-APUs are licensed to Compaq, HP and Dell and are found in select Intel Core i3, Pentium, Pentium Pro, Celeron and Xeon models. As such, processors such as the AMD-APU and Intel Core i3, have made AutoCAD the most widely used CAD software.

The Dassault Systemes Vectorworks graphical editor (Vectorworks) includes support for multiple CPUs.

See also

List of Autodesk products
Comparison of CAD editors for PC-based design and drafting
Comparison of CAD editors
Comparison of CAD editors for CADD
Comparison of CAD editors for mechanical design
Comparison of CAD editors for sheet metal design

AutoCAD 2021 24.0 With Keygen

Open Autocad and load the DWG or DXF file that you downloaded.

In the File menu, navigate to Image Export.

Select ‘Create one-image EXE’ to export the image.

Save it to your computer.

Open your unzipped Autocad folder and navigate to where you saved the Autocad image.

Select open.

In the ‘Select Image’ box, select the file you saved.

The image will then appear on the screen.

Click Ok.

Click the ‘Export Image’ icon.

Select the following settings:
For Width, select 1680.
For Height, select 1100.
For DPI, select 200.

Click Ok.

Click OK again.

A dialog box will appear.

Click OK.

The image will appear on the screen.

You can now close Autocad.

Install the Driver
To install the driver:
Go to Start Menu, select All Programs and select the ‘Autodesk’.
Select Autodesk and Autocad Design Suite and click on Autocad.
Click ‘Install Driver’.
Click Yes when a window will appear.

I have experience with Autocad 2005, but I do not know if this works for Autocad 2012 or Autocad 2013.


I can confirm that WinZip 7.5.1 works for Autocad 2013.
Using the keygen, download and run the ZIP file.
When the Autocad image appears, save it to your computer, and open it.
Click on the Driver Manager, and install the software.
Be sure to save your work, and exit the Autocad application.
(To exit Autocad, select File -> Exit)
When prompted, restart your computer.
After the restart, open Autocad and load your image.

Hopefully, this will help someone else.


If anyone is looking for a way to install the Autocad 2010 keygen using WinZip, you might want to try this:

The software is found here: (Note that the download link may be out of date.)
Once you have the keygen installed, use the following steps to install Autocad:

Start Autocad and load your image.
Click the “Driver Manager” button on

What’s New in the?

Creates marking and numbering tools based on other tools. Marking tools are an alternative to simply placing a temporary or permanent marker on a drawing. They include the ability to annotate design intent and help you group and scale marks. Use marking tools to improve the quality of your drawing. (video: 1:43 min.)

Marks-up existing drawings. AutoCAD marks your existing drawing with the changes to your design intent that you want to be reflected in the next revision. (video: 1:48 min.)

New Navigation and Filtering options:

Drag and drop to reorganize blocks and parts. AutoCAD now lets you reorganize blocks and parts using drag and drop. (video: 2:30 min.)

Auto-scale your drawings using entities. AutoCAD has a new type of annotation to give you more precise control over how blocks and entities in your drawings are scaled. (video: 1:50 min.)

Highlights your design intent with the help of labels and annotations. AutoCAD gives you the ability to view and manipulate design intent on your drawings. Use labels to annotate objects. Use annotations to communicate design intent to other people who review your design. (video: 1:14 min.)

Speed up your designs with advanced tool previews. Designing for AutoCAD is easier with tool previews. AutoCAD now lets you preview a number of tools and features in your drawing by selecting one or more options in an array on the design surface. (video: 2:02 min.)

Use the command line. You can now open or save a file with the command line. (video: 1:12 min.)

New parametric controls:

Create parametric constraints from line segments. You can easily create multiple constraints for different design intent. (video: 2:12 min.)

Create and edit text properties. You can easily edit the text properties and attributes of the text on your drawing. (video: 1:54 min.)

Edit the text on a drawing. You can edit the text on a drawing, and you can edit text attributes that apply to the entire drawing or to only a selection of text. (video: 1:42 min.)

Explore symbols and constructors. You can easily access symbols and constructors to add custom symbols, constructors, or views to your drawing. (video: 1:31 min.)

System Requirements:

Windows OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32/64-bit)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (1.6 GHz) / AMD Phenom II X4 940 (3.0 GHz) or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GS (256 MB) / ATI Radeon HD 3850 (128 MB)
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible
Network: Broadband Internet connection