Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 22.0 Full Version







AutoCAD Crack + Product Key

In December 2010, AutoCAD 2013 was released, and included several new features, including a drawing engine that can access any database and allows for dynamic (animated) 3D drawings. AutoCAD 2013 marked the first release of AutoCAD that was not an extension of AutoCAD LT, the former subscription-based CAD program.

AutoCAD is not available in all countries; and is available only as part of a bundle with other programs from Autodesk, such as AutoCAD LT or AutoCAD for Architecture. The current version is AutoCAD 2020 (2019).


AutoCAD was initially intended to be a product that would compete with the new generation of personal computer-based design workstations, which could run at an affordable price and deliver very high performance. AutoCAD was released on January 16, 1983, and was priced at $99 (equivalent to $882.62 in 2012). The initial release of AutoCAD was available in both the English and French languages. The price of AutoCAD was $99, plus an optional perpetual license (sometimes referred to as software “fees”) that was sold annually for $35. In addition to a computer workstation, AutoCAD required a dedicated graphics display and a utility disc (CD-ROM) to install and run it.

In August 1988, AutoCAD ran on a Microsoft Windows NT operating system, and was bundled with the operating system and an Office suite. This was the first time the AutoCAD software had been released as a stand-alone application for Windows and thus became a commercial desktop product (similar to Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Office). In 1995, AutoCAD ran on Microsoft Windows 95 and was available as a stand-alone application (as opposed to a bundled application with the operating system).

In early 2006, AutoCAD ran on the Mac OS X operating system, and included version 13 of the application and the accompanying AutoCAD Exchange database. AutoCAD 2000 was sold as part of a bundle of AutoCAD, AutoCAD Exchange and AutoCAD Map Design software. AutoCAD is also available as a part of a bundle with other programs from Autodesk, such as AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD for Architecture.


AutoCAD LT – A low-cost version of AutoCAD that ran on Windows and was released on December 29, 1985. Auto

AutoCAD Crack + With License Key [Updated]

Interoperability: AutoCAD Crack imports other CAD formats such as DXF, DWG, DWF, DGN, DXF, IGES, STEP, PDF, BMP, and JPG.
Display functions: Screens, printers, plotters, and VDUs.
Plugins: Extensions of AutoCAD’s core functionality. Plugins can extend AutoCAD’s capabilities, including visual, command, and automation tools.

Today, AutoCAD is a cross-platform application available for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and web applications. Autodesk publishes a variety of third-party AutoCAD training courses on the subject of AutoCAD.

There are two versions of AutoCAD for each platform, known as AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD Pro. AutoCAD LT is intended for smaller organizations, while AutoCAD Pro is generally used by larger organizations.


The AutoCAD LT 2010 and earlier versions, are 3D models with no layers. The user must use the Draw Order Manager to see, change, and reorder model layers in a drawing. AutoCAD LT 2010 and AutoCAD LT 2009 do not have any layer properties and the layers are not displayed in the Modeling window. The layer number, which is only displayed in the DesignCenter, is shown in the drawing legend. Layers are typically numbered from 0 to 9. The layers are not visible in any other window but the DesignCenter. The drawing is typically created by dragging or copying one or more entities or files in the DesignCenter.

To add a layer, it is necessary to drag a layer from the layer list and drop it on the drawing area.

The document properties can be edited in the Properties palette (Ctrl+1), but it is not possible to change the following document properties: layer orders, viewport/view, workplane.

Drawing properties can be edited in the Properties palette (Ctrl+1), but it is not possible to change the following drawing properties: extents, grid, paper size, printing properties, and window/graphics preferences.

Layers are typically named with alphanumeric strings to show the data type or hierarchy of the layer.

Layers may contain:
entities and files (3D, 2D, or both)
components (2D objects, groups, or both)
materials and instances of materials

AutoCAD Free Download

Go to the menu key and select Tools -> License Information. In the window that appears, select the checkbox “Enable Licensing”. The window closes and the license is activated.

Go back to the menu and click Options. Choose “Perform custom installation”. In the window that appears, select “Install the Autodesk Products”.

In the “Select Products to install” window, make sure “Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2017” is checked. Then, if this is the first time installing, make sure the “Overwrite existing files” option is checked.
Uncheck the “Install the Autodesk Products”, and the option to automatically update “Autodesk AutoCAD LT 2017” is checked. (This is optional.) If you don’t want to use AutoCAD 2017 right now, you can save time by unchecking this option, as it can be a waste of time if you want to update to Autodesk 2018 in the future.

Press the OK button.

Wait for installation to finish. It may take a few minutes.
Launch Autocad.

Next steps

Install versions 2010 to 2015
Follow the steps outlined above for Autocad 2010 to Autocad 2015.

Upgrade to Autocad 2018
If you want to update to Autocad 2018, launch Autocad and click Tools -> Upgrade Product.

This will take you through a wizard that will guide you through the process.

If you want to install Autocad 2017 on Windows 8 and later, you will need to use the online installer. To do this, download the latest Autocad online installer from Autodesk’s website.

Find the files that are downloaded. You will be presented with a folder called Autodesk_2017_V12_Online.
Start the Autocad installer.

Follow the instructions that appear. The program will install the Autocad 2017 toolset for Windows 8 and later, and update your Autocad 2017 to Autocad 2018. It may take a while, so be patient.

When the program has finished installing, launch Autocad. You will be asked to sign in.

If you are upgrading to Autocad 2018, you will need to accept the terms and conditions of use and acceptance of the license agreement. If you are installing Autocad 2017 for the first time, you can skip this step, as it will be

What’s New in the?

Drawings with drawing layers:

Organize your drawing content in layers, which you can create, edit, and manage easily. Layers can be switched dynamically, and the content of any layer can be switched on and off dynamically. (video: 1:41 min.)


Connect 2D and 3D work using a lightweight, cloud-based approach to save time and space. An active connection to another drawing and its attributes, such as layers, is stored and updated remotely. The connection is automatically closed when the connection no longer makes sense. (video: 1:05 min.)

User Interface Enhancements:

Edit your drawing with a new performance-enhanced experience. Improved editing experience with minimized opening times, speed up performance, and a streamlined ribbon experience. (video: 1:28 min.)

On-screen Tool Tips:

Know how to work with the latest features and commands. Automatic on-screen tool tips can be turned on or off in the ribbon interface. An “Online Help” feature helps you resolve issues faster. (video: 1:48 min.)

Drills and Annotations:

No more need to set up workspaces to draft or create annotated dimensions. Create drill-outs to quickly annotate dimension lines and use the Annotations window to add a range of annotation styles, including 3D shapes, arrows, text, and more. (video: 1:45 min.)

Printing Enhancements:

Check out the enhancements to your printing options. Add several options to print each page of a drawing or print with text. Print extended and reduced sizes, and add comments to your printed sheets. (video: 1:42 min.)

Many more enhancements and enhancements are featured in the full AutoCAD 2023 release, which is a free download at the Autodesk website.

NOTE: The AutoCAD 2023 Beta was announced earlier this month in a separate post.Q:

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System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Windows 7/8
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU or equivalent
DirectX 9.0c
1024 x 768 screen resolution
How to install:
Installing the game without installing Steam is pretty simple. First, you will need to go to the game’s website, and download the installer for Windows, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Next, run the installation file as normal, and make sure you check off the box that says that you want to have Steam installed with the game. Finally, you