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According to the company, AutoCAD is used by over 70,000 companies worldwide. AutoCAD 2017 is the 20th iteration of AutoCAD.

See also: The Next Wave of CAD in Part 1 and Part 2.

AutoCAD Release History and Line Graph

This table shows AutoCAD release history, with a brief description of each release and the minimum supported operating system. The number in parentheses after each release number indicates the year of its release, and the number in parentheses after the year indicates the number of AutoCAD releases that year.

AutoCAD R1 (1982) and AutoCAD R2 (1985) were the first AutoCAD releases, both using a 32-bit data format. AutoCAD R3 (1990) added support for multiple processors. AutoCAD 2000 (2001) was the first AutoCAD release to use the 64-bit AutoCAD LT engine. It was designed to support the then-new Windows NT 4.0 operating system.

AutoCAD 2001 (2006) was the first AutoCAD release to support Windows Vista. AutoCAD 2005 (2009) was the first AutoCAD release that required 64-bit Windows. AutoCAD 2007 (2012) introduced 2D and 3D annotation. AutoCAD 2009 (2014) introduced interactivity with version tracking and support for 64-bit and 64-bit Microsoft.NET.

AutoCAD 2010 (2016) introduced a “BIM” (building information modeling) standard. It also added support for Windows 10. AutoCAD 2011 (2018) added support for Office 365 and iCloud. AutoCAD 2012 (2020) added support for Windows 10, Windows Server 2012, and Linux. AutoCAD 2013 (2021) introduced non-destructive editing with a modified geometry engine. AutoCAD 2014 (2022) introduced dynamic layout.

AutoCAD 2015 (2024) added support for Windows 10, iOS, Android, and macOS. AutoCAD 2016 (2025) introduced the ability to change CAD colors by dragging a new color swatch to a toolbox. AutoCAD 2017 (2027) added new tools for documentation, design animation, and extensive fidelity.

1. History

The following is a history of AutoCAD release dates:

R1 (1982)

AutoCAD is a commercial computer-aided design and drafting software program developed by Autodes

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The “AutoCAD 360” video series is designed to explain AutoCAD basics. A series on Autodesk Exchange Apps was also created by Autodesk.

Programming in AutoCAD is done using one of four programming languages: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), AutoLISP, ObjectARX, and AutoCAD’s native C++ programming.

AutoCAD can be used to create applications for both the AutoCAD systems as well as the Windows environment. These application can be written using any of the programming languages (Visual Basic, AutoLISP, ObjectARX, or C++). Autodesk has also recently released a multi-platform programming language, called “AutoCAD 360”, that can be used to develop programs using the AutoCAD language.

As part of the introduction of Autodesk Exchange Apps, the interface application for AutoCAD was ported to WPF.

AutoCAD 360 is a free to use programming language for writing AutoCAD applications. Autodesk Exchange Apps include a variety of examples of AutoCAD 360 applications.
AutoLISP is a programming language that is a continuation of LISP. It was used by AutoCAD for years, but was replaced by VBA.

Language support

Most languages are a subset of the.NET framework. The exception is AutoLISP, which is a LISP dialect that was used by AutoCAD’s AutoLISP programming system, which was replaced by Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in AutoCAD 2014 and by ObjectARX in AutoCAD 2016. ObjectARX is based on the C++ class library ObjectARX.

Automation systems

Several software products are used to automate or script the operations in AutoCAD.

.NET Automation Suite
Visual Studio.NET
Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA)
Visual Studio Tools for Scripting (VSTO)
Visual Studio Tools for XML (VSTO XML)
ObjectARX Macro Pack
Visual Studio 2017 Tools for Azure
AutoCAD 360
Visual Studio Code Tools for AutoCAD
Visual Studio Code Tools for AutoCAD
Visual Studio Code Tools for AutoCAD Architecture
Visual Studio Code Tools for AutoCAD Electrical
Visual Studio Code Tools for AutoCAD Site Solutions
Visual Studio Code Tools for AutoCAD Manufacturing

Visual Studio

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Appending an object to the end of a list

I am attempting to build a version of the sublists algorithm that will append an object to the end of the list instead of creating a copy.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MyObject {

private String string;
private int id;

public MyObject(String string, int id) {
this.string = string; = id;

public String getString() {
return string;

public int getId() {
return id;


static void printSubLists(List list) {

public static void main(String[] args) {

List list = new ArrayList();

MyObject o1 = new MyObject(“string”, 1);
MyObject o2 = new MyObject(“string”, 2);
MyObject o3 = new MyObject(“string”, 3);
MyObject o4 = new MyObject(“string”, 4);
MyObject o5 = new MyObject(“string”, 5);
MyObject o6 = new MyObject(“string”, 6);



I am trying to append an object to the end of the list instead of creating a copy.
My current solution is as follows:
public static void printSubLists(List list) {

public static void appendObject

What’s New in the?

Add and edit styles in the styles panel. Edit style properties without switching to the panel (video: 2:06 min.).

Share models on the web or mobile phone in SketchUp format. The new online models viewing functionality can help you see your models on the web (video: 2:23 min.).

Working with Existing Models:

Export and import CAD models from other file formats.

Edit and delete layer names in CAD models.

Merge and split CAD models.

Project multiple drawings onto one drawing.

For more information on AutoCAD 2023, you can check our dedicated page.

New Features

Markup Import and Markup Assist

Markup import for paper or PDF, Save and share designs with client

Want to share a draft design on paper with the client and share it online? With Markup Assist, AutoCAD users can quickly and easily send client-ready drawings and feedback back and forth.

First, you can import markups from a paper drawing into your drawing by using the Markup import option.

AutoCAD users can now upload PDF documents on the web and print them, and markups will be automatically imported to their drawings.

With this functionality, AutoCAD users can incorporate feedback from both AutoCAD drawings and PDFs, and also save drawing files on paper or PDF. And to help you organize your drawings, AutoCAD can automatically sort marks and annotations by color, line style, or placement.

Styles and Shapes

Revise and customize styles

With the new styles panel, you can edit style properties and apply styles to models quickly and easily. With the new graphical styles, you can edit style properties more quickly than before.

You can quickly customize any style by choosing from a list of different combinations.

With the new Styles panel, you can work with graphical styles more easily.

Manage more style configurations with the new Styles panel in the Draw toolbar

The new Styles panel includes a wider range of style configurations, including the ability to manage styles from subgroups and compare styles from the current drawing with saved configuration settings from previous drawings.

You can now create graphical styles with this new panel.

Edit and delete layer names in CAD models

Edit your CAD drawings easily by deleting or renaming the layer name.


System Requirements:

Additional notes:
Camera is initialized with a “higher quality” option (in effect it would be set at the highest (highest level) “K” (ex- Full) and the sensor itself and gain will be set accordingly. There will be no difference in quality other than file sizes and recovery times are shorter.