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AutoCAD 2020 23.1 Free License Key Download PC/Windows [March-2022]

Using AutoCAD

AutoCAD offers five main applications: 2D Drafting & Design, 3D Drafting & Design, 2D Digital Drafting, 2D Architectural Design, and 2D Engineering Design. Each application uses its own look and feel but all applications utilize the same program functions to accomplish their individual tasks.

The user interface of AutoCAD is completely customizable and can be set up to suit the individual preferences of the user. The menus are customizable and can be set to open in either the same or a different window depending on the type of application being used. A user will find many ways to organize the data on the screen. Navigating through data can be handled automatically (a common feature in software such as AutoCAD), or through the use of keyboard shortcuts, mouse buttons, or drawing tools.

1. 2D Drafting & Design

2D Drafting & Design offers the most straightforward 2D drafting. It is the first AutoCAD application many new users use. In this application, the user creates and modifies drawings of 2D objects (such as rectangles, circles, and lines) and arranges them to build 2D and 3D drawings.

This drawing application is intuitive and makes it simple to draw. In the following drawing, the vertices are auto-saved when the application quits. Once re-opened, the vertices are available in the Current Versions menu.

Note: An easy way to select multiple vertices on a drawing is to press the Ctrl + Shift + Click button on the keyboard.

The Show button in the Tool Bar is a shortcut for the Selection window. When the user selects an object, the Select button in the Tool Bar will take the user to the Select window. The Show button in the toolbar can be customized to open other tools or actions such as the Properties window and placing objects in a drawing. For example, when the user selects an object, the user would use the Show button and then click on the properties that they wish to view.

In the example shown in the following drawing, the User preference is set to open the properties and dimension data for selected objects.

3. 3D Drafting & Design

The 3D application allows the user to draw 3D objects in 3D space and to move, rotate, and scale them. Most people are familiar with 2D drawings of the objects on their computer screen, but this is

AutoCAD 2020 23.1 PC/Windows


AutoCAD’s InterGraph Replication (formerly AutoCAD Organizer) is a software product that allows replication of the drawing data to other computers, and may also be used to make changes to other CAD drawings.

AutoCAD’s first release was in 1986. The initial design for AutoCAD was created by Rick Kwasnica, Don Martin and Brian Epp, who came together at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). The program was named CAD Manager. This version was packaged on magnetic tape and released in 1987. This first version of AutoCAD was quite limited and did not support the concepts of working drawings and technical drawings.

A second version, released in 1989, included many of the concepts for the development of a complete CAD package. With the release of AutoCAD R12, the program began to adopt a more successful and stable approach.

In late 1989, AutoCAD was renamed Autodesk and was released as a full CAD package. The company also began to market the application, and there were numerous re-designs and releases until the latest release of AutoCAD 2006.

Reception and recognition AutoCAD was introduced to the general public at the International Builders’ Show on January 21, 1989. AutoCAD was marketed at a time when competing CAD applications, such as MicroStation, were mainly viewed as being primarily used by engineering firms and architects.

AutoCAD’s success and its ability to be used in a number of construction industries was directly responsible for the company’s success during the 1990s, which made the company profitable and lead to the development of other products such as AutoCAD Map 3D, which was introduced in 1991.

With the release of AutoCAD Map 3D, the company began to work on AutoCAD Civil 3D, a general purpose engineering software, which was introduced in 1999. This, along with AutoCAD Architectural and AutoCAD Electrical (previously known as AutoCAD Architecture), were the first of three platforms released in the 1990s.

With the release of AutoCAD 2000, which included AutoCAD Map 3D, AutoCAD Civil 3D and AutoCAD Architectural, the company made AutoCAD the industry standard software. This release was particularly important to the company’s success, as it was the first release of AutoCAD where the company was able to make a profit.

Since AutoCAD 2000

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Run the generated file.


replace NAs in factor levels in R

I have this object
[1] “Factor”

[1] “P1” “P2” “P3”

I am trying to replace NAs in a factor level in this specific object with the value of the next level:
paste(Oe$P1, Oe$P2, Oe$P3, sep = “; “)
[1] “P1; P2; P3”

I am trying with this
levels(Oe) Q:

Optimizing a function that finds a bounding box

I’m trying to optimize the following function which I found on GitHub
def get_bbox(img, color_range=(0.5, 0.65), min_size=0.1):
# Return the smallest box of the given color-range
# scale down the returned boxes by min_size
# Returns a list with four elements: x,y,width,height
# 0 to 1 values
x0, y0 = img.shape[:2]
width, height = img.shape[:2]

x1, y1 = img.shape[:2]
x2, y2 = img.shape[:2]

# Values will cover image from 0 to 1
scale = (1.0 – min_size) / color_range

scale_x = min(max(1.0, 0.0), 1.0)

What’s New In?

Use existing sheet properties to assess or identify problems with a sheet. (video: 1:30 min.)


You can use AutoLISP to write real-time dashboards and automations. Create new dashboards or extend or enhance the functionality of your existing dashboards (video: 3:00 min.)

Advance your existing AutoLISP skills with our new lessons on AutoLISP fundamentals. Dive into the language to learn a variety of fundamental techniques, ranging from loops to arrays (video: 2:48 min.)

You can also learn about AutoLISP for Mac by attending the AutoLISP for Mac Users day (April 18th, 2020) at the CADMAN exhibition booth at your local CADMAN event.

Nested Arrays:

You can now create nested arrays of objects and set object properties in the same operation. (video: 1:13 min.)

The GRID edit object can now be the child of a linked table object. Make changes to the table, and the child object will update automatically. (video: 2:21 min.)

Powerful New Features for Annotations:

You can now view multiple annotations at once, review the properties of an annotation, and hide or delete multiple annotations at once (video: 1:55 min.)

Do more in-depth reviews of annotations with more details. Open properties, pan around on the annotation screen, and find just what you need (video: 2:06 min.)

Use the annotation properties to change an annotation’s arrow points, font, and color. (video: 1:25 min.)

Visual Effects:

The command line tool now lets you toggle the visibility of visual effects, such as guides and snap to scale.

New Quick Launch Bar:

New quick launch bar lets you quickly view your most used commands and tools, including the new Annotations tab. (video: 2:16 min.)

Dynamic Documentation:

You can now create dynamic documentation for your drawings. Specify if a drawing should display information or not, and also choose to display drawing-specific information or global information. (video: 2:35 min.)

You can also share content with your team. Quickly share drawings with other users to make it easier to collaborate on a drawing. (video: 1:13 min.)

Make your drawings even

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

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• Multiple difficulty modes,