AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Crack [2022-Latest]







AutoCAD 2017 21.0 With Full Keygen

AutoCAD is used for creating 2D and 3D designs, and for digital drafting and mechanical design. It is also available as an Autodesk 360 product. AutoCAD offers a feature-set similar to that of other CAD software, offering axonometric drawing and modeling capabilities, 2D and 3D rendering, measurement, design applications, and support for industry standard file formats (e.g., DWG, DXF, etc.).


AutoCAD is a software application used by various architectural and engineering design firms and contractors. Originally released in 1982, it quickly became the de facto standard for 2D drafting and design. The program also provides 3D modeling and 3D rendering capabilities and is used for building architectural models.

Prior to AutoCAD’s release, the tools and features that are typically available in more expensive CAD and drafting software are often missing or extremely basic. AutoCAD’s simplicity and price are often its most attractive attributes.


AutoCAD was first released in December 1982 as a desktop CAD program for microcomputers with internal graphics controllers, such as the Apple II, IIe and IIci computers. It could be used to create 2D drawings and to measure objects on those drawings.

Initially priced at $600, AutoCAD became a favorite product among users, because it was easy to use and had a strong learning curve.

The introduction of AutoCAD introduced user friendly tools, such as snapping, rectangles, linetypes, and dimensioning, and the ability to view a drawing as a text file.

Over the years, AutoCAD’s feature set has grown. In the 1990s, the program was bundled with Autodesk’s VectorWorks product suite, and was available as a stand-alone product (AutoCAD LT). AutoCAD LT was a stripped down version of AutoCAD.

More recently, Autodesk developed AutoCAD LT 2.5 and AutoCAD LT 2013. These versions were stripped down versions of AutoCAD that were specifically aimed at small businesses.

The first major upgrade to AutoCAD was version 2.0 in 1987. The following version was 2.1 in 1988. At this time, AutoCAD introduced the first in-place editing model.

AutoCAD 2.5 was released in 1995. It was a major upgrade that increased drawing speed, provided a full stack of design tools and

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Middleware — It is used by software that is not developed by Autodesk and that is either shared or commercial, being open source and proprietary, such as the Revit product.

Graphics features

The earliest CAD models were created in vector graphics. The introduction of architectural drawing templates in 1985 introduced the concept of a DWG file format for storing architectural drawings and models. Drawing templates provide a consistent way to produce drawings. As CAD became a widespread industry standard, it became necessary to ensure that CAD software’s architectural feature set was consistent, even when a company’s software applications were different.

AutoCAD Free Download began providing various 3D capability and drawing features. The introduction of a built-in 3D modeler and importing of standard 3D objects began AutoCAD Serial Key development. The introduction of interactive 3D at the same time introduced an application program interface (API) to 3D modeling and changed from an internal file format to a DCF format, the de facto standard for 3D modeling. Additionally, the adoption of DWG and DXF led to the development of the industry standard exchange format for 3D, which is used to exchange, import and export 3D modeling information.

Although the presentation of information in 2D is the default, all software applications can export to DWG, DGN and DXF. Several CAD programs include in their feature set advanced drafting functionality. CAD programs can also export to PDF, HTML and Flash.

AutoCAD Crack Mac can export and import to Word 2007 and later versions, Excel 2007 and later versions, PowerPoint 2007 and later versions, Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet (.xlsx), and various proprietary formats.


Graphical architecture

There are three basic types of drawing objects in AutoCAD: contour, freeform and bounded.

Contour lines are straight line segments drawn between two points. AutoCAD contains an architectural function that allows a user to draw architectural plans. This is done with a CAD tool called 3D Architectural Drafting (3DAD).

Architectural segments are a type of linear drawing object that are neither contour nor freeform, but have specific rules for placement and dimensioning.

Rectangles can be created as either a 2D object or a 3D object. They can be rotated, moved or resized and can be dimensioned, thereby allowing architectural teams to plan layouts.

Linear and curved objects, as well as polyline, fillet and arc

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Saving Design Files

This section will guide you to save design files to your computer, and will explain where to save them and what to name them to avoid overwriting each other. It also includes basic backup procedures, which will save a copy of your files automatically, using a keygen as well.

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Enter Freehand Lines:

Easily draw freehand on top of an existing shape, spline, arc, line, or arc spline to quickly create additional shapes. (video: 1:15 min.)

Nested Artboards:

Have multiple artboards within a single drawing file. Simply move and resize the artboards to reorder them or to create additional views of a design. (video: 1:35 min.)

Geometric Constraints:

Set geometric constraints to guide the placement of objects and parts, as well as to automatically place elements relative to one another. (video: 1:25 min.)

Improvements in 2D:

New design style and capability to customize your view to fit any work area. Easily create a task palette to switch between views with just a few clicks. (video: 1:25 min.)

Seamless Sharing:

Share AutoCAD drawings with your team, or automatically publish drawings to the cloud. Access all your drawings from any device, anywhere. (video: 1:35 min.)

Control and Predictability:

Added visualization of changes to help ensure that you are on the right track. For example, you can switch to the visual representation to inspect changes before pushing the update to your design. (video: 1:15 min.)

Faster Interface:

Unclutter the drawing experience with a new visual interface. Use the flyout panels to quickly find tasks, add objects, and edit layers. Keep a single view as you work, and save time when searching for objects. (video: 1:25 min.)

Share your ideas:

Use a graphical sketching tool to record your ideas, add text to the sketch, and then share it with others. While sharing, others can get right to work on what you’ve sketched, without the need to open a drawing. (video: 1:35 min.)

Intelligent Functionality:

Intelligent workflow gives you more control, freeing you up to focus on your design and build. For example, you can easily search for AutoCAD commands, review history, organize work, and quickly access AutoCAD features with just a click of a button. (video: 1:10 min.)


M-D command helps you add a layer to your existing drawing. You can also automate actions or entire drawing processes. (video

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista
Processor: Pentium-class CPU (or compatible)
Memory: 512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended)
Video: Minimum:
Display: 1024×768 resolution
DirectX: Version 8.0
Primary Sound Device: DirectX compatible sound card with speakers
Secondary Sound Device: DirectX compatible sound card with headphones
Additional Notes: This game can be played with a single monitor. However, we recommend two monitors be used for best playability