AutoCAD 20.1 Crack PC/Windows


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AutoCAD Crack+ Download

In 2015, total shipments of AutoCAD software increased to approximately 2 million units, surpassing the number of units of any other 2D CAD application. Also, in 2016, Autodesk announced that it would be ending further development of AutoCAD by 2019.

Though AutoCAD is not commonly used in personal projects, it is the de facto standard for 2D CAD. It was originally designed to simulate computer-aided drafting (CAD), but is now also widely used for technical drafting, schematic design, product design, documentation and annotation, engineering applications, and other uses. Some people even say that it is the most popular CAD software.

This guide covers the key features and use of AutoCAD 2017. If you use older versions of AutoCAD, they will look very similar.

[Updates: How to get the latest AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2017, including PDF, Mobile and Web. The last AutoCAD Version is now: AutoCAD 2016, you can get the latest version here.]

1. Start AutoCAD 2017

In this guide, I will show you how to start AutoCAD 2017 and other basic operations like: opening and saving a drawing.

To start AutoCAD 2017, do the following:

Open the AutoCAD 2017 program icon from your Windows Start menu. Click on the appropriate button.

When the program starts up, the window shown below will appear. Click on the “Open an existing file” button to start working on a file.

If you just want to open a new drawing, you can use the “New” button to create a new AutoCAD drawing file, or “Open” to open an existing one.

See Also:

2. Create New Drawings

You can create a new AutoCAD drawing from scratch, using the Windows File Explorer to navigate to the folder where your new drawing will be created.

You can also create a new AutoCAD drawing from within the program. Click on the “New” button to create a new drawing. Click on the “Open” button to open an existing drawing or open a new one.

The first time you create a new drawing, the dialog shown below will appear.

You can click on the Browse button to select a folder where you want to store your drawings. Click on the OK button to confirm the folder selection.

After you create your

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DirectDraw, is a collection of DirectDraw APIs that can be used to automate specific tasks such as plotting, and supports a Windows API-based scripting language, DirectDraw Surface, which also uses Direct3D.

HLSL (HlslShaderLanguage) is an OpenGL-like API that allows OpenGL shaders to be executed in AutoCAD Product Key via an API.
3D animation, allows AutoCAD Cracked Accounts to be used as a 3D animation software.
AutoCAD Full Crack native commands are a collection of scripts that do not rely on any technology but AutoCAD.
.NET is a very simple API to access the XML of a file. AutoCAD supports.NET applications for specific purposes.

MDA, the MetaDesigner Automation software, allows the MetaDesigner application to be controlled from the AutoCAD environment.

ObjectARX, an extension to AutoCAD, is an object-oriented API which is object-based and object-oriented, and was used to create several third-party products such as eDrawings.

PowerLISP is a high-level macro language which is designed to make it easier to program custom AutoCAD functionality.
Smalltalk, is an object-oriented programming language that can be used in the field of CAD to allow the designer to make modifications to AutoCAD drawings in a visual environment.
Visual LISP is a Visual Basic-like high-level scripting language designed for scripting AutoCAD. The Open Visual LISP is an open source implementation of Visual LISP, and was used to create the Microsoft Visual LISP and third-party products.

Visual Studio.NET is a programming environment that integrates with Visual Studio 2003, Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010, to help developers create Microsoft Windows applications. It provides both support for traditional programming, such as making calls to Microsoft.NET Framework classes, as well as high-level programming in Visual Basic, Visual C#, Visual C++ and Visual J#.
VBScript is a scripting language similar to Visual Basic used to make modifications to a document.
VisualWorks, a Visual Basic for Applications-based language, was introduced as an alternative to Visual LISP for the creation of AutoCAD extensions.

Other products that use scripting language for AutoCAD
3-D viewer, a free, third-party tool that allows viewing, texturing and animating 3D models in AutoCAD.

AutoCAD Crack+ Full Version [Updated]

Before uploading your design, make sure you’ve saved it and your Autocad project as a new session. Upload your design to Autodesk for editing and print.

We recommend that you use an external drive to download files to the hard disk of your computer. This allows you to safely delete files after you’ve uploaded them.

Download the latest version of Autocad from

To download Autocad files to your computer
Open Autocad
Click on File, then Open, then choose the Autocad files you wish to save
Click Save, then choose Save As and a dialog box will open.
Use a drive such as D to save your Autocad files

What to do if the keygen doesn’t work
If the keygen does not work, re-install Autocad and try again.

How to extract.DWG files from Autocad 2013
Open Autocad
Click on File, then Open, then choose DWG files.
If you need help opening DWG files you can search on Google for tutorials

How to compress a file in Autocad 2013
Open Autocad
Click on File, then Save As, then choose a format you wish to save the file

Accessing AutoCAD in MS Office 2010

Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 is a part of the CAD tools bundled with Office 2010. You can now connect and view Autocad files in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. You can create, open and edit Autocad 2013 files from within these applications.

You can open Autocad files from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook

If you want to open an Autocad file in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Outlook, you have two options:
In one method, you save your Autocad file as a text (.txt) file.
You can then save it as a Microsoft Office file format (.doc,.xls,.ppt, or.pot).
To do this, in Autocad, choose File, then save as.
Then, in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Outlook, choose File, then save as.

In the other method, you can open an Autocad file directly within Excel, PowerPoint, or Outlook.

To open an Autocad

What’s New In?


Expand the real-time connectivity of your design work. Make is a new collaborative feature in AutoCAD that turns your entire design process into a social network of collaboration.

Right-click layers in the drawing area to invite colleagues to review and comment on a drawing. Comments made by anyone are then shared with the rest of the team, so everyone can see what everyone else is thinking.

Each comment is made like a regular drawing. Add lines, text, blocks, comments, and then make edits to your drawing. Collaborative comments are updated in real-time to show the most current view of the drawing, or you can mark your comments as private or public to give them access to everyone.

Comments are made with any of the editing tools. Use the line tool to add comments and arrows. Add text with the text tool. Draw blocks with the block tool and add comments and arrows with the comment tool. (video: 1:53 min.)


Collaborate on your designs in real time from wherever you are. Work on your drawing as a team using collaborative comments and collaboration markers and then come back and see your design in real-time on a remote or virtual display with a fully updated view.

Download and install the companion app for iOS or Android to see comments, annotations, and collaboration markers while working on your CAD drawings.

Snap to lines and other marks on your drawing, and annotations and comments are automatically updated on remote displays. Use the lines and text tools to add notes and annotations.

For more information about Snap, see

Graphical User Interface and Commands:


Work with your drawings without being restricted by screen resolution. The new Zoom feature allows you to zoom in and out of your drawings at any scale from 1:1 to infinity.

Zoom levels also work the same way they do in other apps. Drag your finger up or down to zoom in or out of your drawing. Drag your finger left or right to turn the drawing 90 degrees, as you do in SketchUp. Drag your finger up or down to change the scale of the drawing and see how it will look at that scale.

Zoom by percentage and to an exact value. Choose Zoom > Zoom By Percentage to zoom the drawing so that it covers your entire screen. Choose Zoom > Zoom To to zoom the drawing to the exact scale you specified.

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Supported OS: Mac OS 10.6.8 or later
Mac OS 10.6.8 or later Processor: Any Mac with a Quad-core Intel or AMD Processor
Any Mac with a Quad-core Intel or AMD Processor RAM: 4 GB of RAM
4 GB of RAM Graphics: 64-bit Intel HD Graphics 3000 or later, AMD Radeon HD 4000 or later, or an NVIDIA GeForce 900 series or later video card
64-bit Intel HD Graphics 3000 or later, AMD Radeon HD 4000 or later, or an NVIDIA GeForce 900 series or later video