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Antwoorden Pincode Vmbo 4 Hoofdstuk 7
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A.R.S. § 12-820(2) and (5) and the parties stipulate that the South Carolina and Arizona laws are “substantially the same.”
The pertinent clause of § 7(d) is as follows:
“(d) Arbitration under the Option Agreement. If the Union elects to invoke arbitration under the Option Agreement, the Company agrees:
(1) That it will submit the issue involved in arbitration to the Joint Grievance Committee established pursuant to the terms of the Master Labor Agreement between Local 518, International Union of Operating Engineers and Central Arizona Project (CAIP) and, if a dispute arises, will arbitrate such issue in accordance with such committee’s decision; and
(2) That the result of such arbitration will be applicable to all employees and represented members within the jurisdiction of the Local Union who were employed or represented for any term in the same job classification during the relevant time period covered by this grievance.”
It is unclear from the stipulation whether Local 518 ever notified the Company that it intended to invoke the grievance and arbitration provisions of the collective bargaining agreement as a result of the request by the Union in the South Carolina proceedings. The Union apparently did not submit the South Carolina proceeding to arbitration after the arbitrator rejected it
Section 7(d)(1) of the strike settlement agreement provides in part as follows:
“In the event a dispute arises, the parties agree that there will be such arbitration of such dispute in accordance with the provisions of Section 16 of the ‘Labor Agreement between Local 518, International Union of Operating Engineers, and CAIP, dated August 31, 1978’ as may be applicable. In the event the Local 518 and CAIP labor agreement requires arbitration, the arbitrator shall be chosen by the Local 518 and CAIP from panels established for this purpose….”
The dispute was resolved following negotiations between the Company and the Union
Local 518 subsequently appealed the arbitrator’s award to South Carolina state court. The South Carolina court upheld the arbitrator
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