Lenovo G570 Bios Whitelist Removal

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Lenovo G570 Bios Whitelist Removal

Yes, you can. But it will help you if you have some detailed manual or howto on this topic. On the other hand, this is not such a big issue for most people. But in the other hand this is one of the biggest insecurity in the BIOSes. Most often if you press the esc or power button it will display a warning message like this one. You can ignore it. Of course, if the BIOS is already fixed then you can remove the whole entry. So before trying to flash the new BIOS you need to confirm that the table of entries are really correct.

It did exactly what I wanted it to do. But sometimes the “update” function restarts the process when in a process I was flashing the bios so I actually had to use a USB stick to flash it with and turn on the computer. And when I booted it was on and all the drivers worked as it was supposed to. But I got the message telling me the request to the BIOS was not successful due to the reason “Attempted to access inaccessible HDD”. I was able to open the boot menu and Windows was still working. But booting from the usb stick was not working because of the same reason. The windows could not find the boot device. I came to the point where I could not boot anything. So I checked the disk again for integrity. When it came to the HDD part, it showed me a weird message that said “disk read failed”. It only worked when I connected an optical drive to the computer and formatted it. I formatted it because it said that I could delete some system files, but I could only format it when I already knew how to work with it. I eventually found out how to delete the files and then format the disk. So I was able to boot from the usb stick again, but the bios wasn’t working again. So I again went to the BIOS and it said it was locked for me to edit the settings.

if you are lucky you can reflash the bios using an unlockable bios (flash the original firmware). this is the method i am going to describe. there are many tutorials and guides that tell you to do this. so be wary of this method, some of the firmware you flash may not work, or it may brick your laptop. use at your own risk. if it works you may want to go back and reflash your locked bios.
i am also used to disable wlan and allow only boot from usb. in order to do this, i can add a new item “boot” in the “optional” section of the bios, and use a usb stick with modified boot.ini and also modified bootmgr. the instructions for this can be found on my blog. here are the bios files: pci.bios.20190814.1629.z.20180510-1727pci.1639.20180510-1727
for a modded bios, the main requirement is that the bios is capable of running the flashing program. for some bioses this will require a mod. for some bioses it will also require a hardware flashing tool. the current bios can be flashed using a flashing program provided by the author of the blog post. here are the instructions for the bios update: windows 10. windows 7. vista. ubuntu linux/debian linux/mint linux. mac os x. mac os x 10.7 or 10.8 for macbook pro or macbookair. mac os x 10.9 or 10.10 for macbook pro or macbookair.11 or 10.12 for macbook pro or macbookair.13 or 10.14 for macbook pro or macbookair.15 or 10.16 for macbook pro or macbookair. the file for flashing the bios is provided at the github. the required tool for flashing is provided here: the required tool for flashing is provided here:
