Best Site for download NewFolderEx [Mac/Win]

PirateBay used to be one of the best places on the internet to get cracked software. It had recently been downgraded to a torrent site. But, unfortunately, that didn’t stop me from getting tons of software for free. I still use this site, although it has a lot of blocked content. You can download software from all the platforms on the internet. Recently, it has started supporting cross platform, unlike CloudOn. So with its constantly updated database of cracked software, you can get the very best cracked programs for PC for free.

If you need to find software that’s free for Windows, you need to visit the developers website and look for cracked software for Windows. For example if I am looking for a game to download for free on Windows, I go to the developers website, find the game I want and then look in the list and if there is a Windows version, I click it and then it starts downloading.

Hohobet is a great website to download cracked software for Windows and OSX. It has everything from free movies, music, software and games. Sometimes you’ll get more than one cracked program at a time. There’s no limit to how many programs can be downloaded at once. I recommend Hohobet for all windows users as well as Mac users. It has added a lot of OS X applications in the past. It has pretty fast download speeds too.

Another excellent site is Checkpoint and it is free to use. This website lets you download software from the Windows, Mac, Android and iPhone markets. You will also find cracked versions of Windows and applications. A lot of people already use it and love it.
