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There are many types of design software, from Open Source to high-end CAD software. In this article, we explain what is it and where it is used, and the various key benefits and uses of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT

What is it?

AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT are commercial computer-aided design (CAD) applications that are mainly used for professional drafting, design, and presentation of a plan or three-dimensional (3D) models. It can also be used as an animation tool, a drafting aid, and a digital content creation application. With AutoCAD, you can draw lines, arcs, rectangles, circles, polygons, 3D and surface models, text, images, 3D views, 3D coordinates, and constraints. The software can import and export to a variety of common file formats, including DWG, DXF, DWF, FBX, IFC, OBJ, OFF, PDF, PICT, PNT, PLY, PSD, STL, TDS, TXT, and VSD.

AutoCAD’s advanced features include support for parametric modeling, scripting, and online and cloud collaboration. It also includes the ability to import/export DXF, DWG, DWF, and other graphics formats. You can import 3D models in popular formats such as OBJ, FBX, IFC, PLY, and PNT. It allows you to create freehand, parametric, and NURBS 3D curves and surfaces.

AutoCAD LT is similar to AutoCAD in many ways. You can use the program to create 2D drawings, animations, and 3D surfaces.

Basic uses

Drawing and editing line, arc, rectangle, circle, polygon, and text

Drawing and editing line, arc, rectangle, circle, polygon, and text Modeling

Creating and editing both 2D and 3D models

Creating and editing both 2D and 3D models 3D Modeling

Creating and editing both 2D and 3D models 3D Modeling Design and Presentation

Creating and editing both 2D and 3D models for presentation (pdf files, site visits, etc.)

Where is it used?

AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT are used in the following industries:

Architecture and Construction


Facilities Management

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Autodesk Fusion 360
Autodesk Inventor
Autodesk Architectural Desktop
Autodesk Architectural Design 2013, 2013 SP1, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Autodesk Revit
Autodesk 3D Studio Max
Autodesk Navisworks
Autodesk Maya
Autodesk ProjectWise
Autodesk Navis Architect
Autodesk Pipeline 3D
Autodesk Sketchbook Pro
Autodesk Alias Pro
Autodesk Alias
Autodesk Creo
Autodesk Navisworks
Autodesk Navisworks Web Authoring
Autodesk Inventor Viewer
Autodesk 3D Warehouse
Autodesk 3D Warehouse for AutoCAD
Autodesk Chameleon 2
Autodesk OnShape
Autodesk ProjectWise
Autodesk Forge
Autodesk CorelDRAW
Autodesk Video Studio
Autodesk Avid Media Composer
Autodesk VideoStudio
Autodesk Rhino
Autodesk Revit Architecture
Autodesk FBX Converter
Autodesk 3D Warehouse
Autodesk XSI
Autodesk Navisworks
Autodesk NavisWorks Plug-In Architecture System
Autodesk Media and Entertainment 3D
Autodesk Architectural Desktop
Autodesk WinDroid
Autodesk Fusion 360
Autodesk 123D Catch
Autodesk 2D/3D
Autodesk NavisX
Autodesk Revit Architecture
Autodesk Fusion 360
Autodesk Waverley
Autodesk Infrastructure Design
Autodesk 3D Warehouse
Autodesk 3D Warehouse for AutoCAD
Autodesk Muse
Autodesk Revit Architecture
Autodesk Architecture
Autodesk Architecture
Autodesk Architecture
Autodesk 3D Warehouse
Autodesk Inventor
Autodesk Chameleon 2
Autodesk Creo
Autodesk ProjectWise
Autodesk ProjectWise
Autodesk OnShape
Autodesk OnShape
Autodesk Alias Pro
Autodesk Alias
Autodesk Alias Pro
Autodesk Maya
Autodesk Realities
Autodesk LifeCinema
Autodesk Maxon Cinema 4D
Autodesk Cinema 4D
Autodesk OnShape
Autodesk Fusion 360

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Install the program you use to the system tray.

To use the service, you must then activate the plugin.
On the Tools menu, choose Plugins, and then click on Plugins.

Add the plugin.
You will see a dialog box appear.
Click on the Add Plugins… button.

You will see the Add Plugins window.

You should see the plugin, and then a button, it will be enabled.

Click OK.
You will see the Add Plugins window.

Select the plugin.
Click the Plugin Options button.

You will see the plugin options, and then a button, it will be enabled.

Click OK.

You will see the plugin options.

Click on the Default button.

You will see the dialog box.

Type the desired plugin name, then click OK.

Click on the Save Plugin button.

Type the desired plugin name, then click Save.

You will see the Save Plugin window.

Click OK.

The plugin has been saved, as you can see on the list, here we have the plugin list, and here is our plugin, the one we have just saved.

Then click on the Plugin Options button.

You will see the plugin options.

Click on the icon you want to use, as you can see below, you can use the icon for the plugin you want.

This is our plugin options.

In the Order list, you can change the order of the plugins.

You can have more than one plugin.

You can also change the order.

If you have this plugin, you will see a different plugin on the list.

And that’s all!
You can also install the plugin, this time we will install the Save Plugin button plugin.

Installation steps:

Open the Plugins manager, go to the Plugins tab.

Select the Add Plugins button.

You will see the Add Plugins window.

Type the plugin name.

Type the plugin’s name, then click Add Plugins.

You will see the Add Plugins window.

You will see the plugin you added.

Click the Install button.

You will see the dialog box.

You will see the plugin installed.

Click OK.

You will see the plugin installed.

Click the Install Plugin button.

You will see the Add Plugins window.

Type the plugin’s name.

Type the plugin’s name, then click Add Plugins.

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Make more accurate selections. Use the Markup Assistant to import a vector image and use it as a bounding box, so you can make accurate selections.

Easily read your drawings and model as a dialogue. Drawings that use the new AutoLISP Language can be edited with the Markup Assistant.

Dynamically retrieve context and you can use context to add digital content. Change views, add annotations, perform layout, and combine your content with models and drawings from the cloud, digital desktops, and connected devices.

Reuse content with File Links. Access content from anywhere on your device or in the cloud, and synchronize your changes.

What’s new in AutoCAD

The new AutoCAD 2023 release includes these features.

Extended features available to all users:

Simultaneously edit and annotate drawings from the drawing canvas.

Add hotspots to shapes to automatically display them in the center of the cursor.

Make complex selections with a single click and continue editing.

Generate alternative layouts based on an existing layout and reuse them.

Add dynamic visuals to the drawing canvas and let the viewer move the visuals with them.

Easily access content from within your drawing.

Reuse content with automatic File Links.

Collaborate and annotate together with others in the drawing.

Take advantage of the new multi-touch feature with touch stylus and Windows Mixed Reality.

New commands:

Presentation tool, available in the multi-touch experience of Windows Mixed Reality.

Extended selection and a new context to manipulate objects.

Editable type styles and apply effects with stroke and fills.

Extended editing capabilities with familiar lines, curves, and arc tools.

Ability to edit fonts with the FontEdit command.

Edit colors and other drawing properties with interactive properties.

Export XAML to share with colleagues and use with other applications.

Supports view port:

Arrange viewports as you like on the screen.

Go to viewport/display, viewport/fit, viewport/toggle, and viewport/resize commands.

Show only a subset of axes and change the number of axes with the viewport/reset command.

System Requirements:

Windows 7 or higher
Minimum 4GB of RAM
Minimum 128GB of storage (free space)
Inputs & Controls:
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